Chatting books and writing with N’yorkers. First review for Chains of Gaia

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Chains of Gaia news

Hi all.

Just a quick one this time around, to let you know that Chains of Gaia recieved it’s first ever review by awesome and rather hilarious New York Book Blogger Chandra Claypool of ‘’


*blogger not shown to scale. actual Chandra may vary in size due to heels



It’s a fine line to tread as a writer, obsessing over reviews. I used to do it a LOT more, but when I noticed bald spots appearing and uncontrollable hand-shaking and mumbling (more so than usual I mean) I decided to try not to stress about them too much anymore.


That being said, while, like any writer, I’m always grateful for anyone taking two minutes out of their day to review one of mine they’ve read, there’s always a certain level of trepedation about the FIRST review for a new book. (especially one that isn’t out until 12th June). So it was with great relief and weary-flopping-down-into-a-chairness that Chains’ review cherry was popped as follows. (off for a stiff brandy now)

calm yourself

PS: If you havent already read on her blog, (and if you’re not following her, why not??) I also managed to answer roughly a million and seven questions in an author Q and A. the link is at the bottom of this blog post. hop on over and say hi to the oft-mispronounced ‘Merican. She’s charming and witty, (though has no internal GPS as we discovered in a recent tour of my home city). x

Chains of Gaia. My Review:
chains of gaia five star review

Chains of Gaia: photo-credit @wherethereadergrows

Where do I even begin?!  How do I review this without spoiling anything for you future readers? 

Ever have that feeling of going back to some place familiar and comfortable – like being tucked into your childhood bed? Well here I am, back in Erkling, with Henry, Hestia, Woad, Aunt Irene, Inky… I’m HOME.. and ready for another adventure to the Netherworlde.    

This time they must retrieve the Shard of Earth and in the process have to deal with centaurs, a minotaur, dryads and new parts of the Netherworlde (just to name a few). New characters are introduced – Ffoulkes has to be the most annoying and narcissistic character I’ve seen in a while (but damn I love him) – and surprises are peeking around every corner.  Once again, we see the author’s sense of humor come into play with various references freckled throughout the book and through the friendships and relationships between the characters.  Woad’s always been one of everyone’s favorites and his simplistic, yet wise, view of the world is always refreshing (as is Inky’s loyalty to him).  I’ve always liked Aunt Irene but she vaulted up my list for a variety of reasons.  We see Robin still struggling with his role as the Scion and controlling his power, yet maturing and becoming more confident by the minute.  I always find it fun and endearing to watch characters grow book by book in a series and the author does this without fail.

Fahy brings adventure, humor, emotion and action which keeps the pages turning.  I literally kept swiping left hoping more pages would appear at the end, but sadly they did not.  Swipe, swipe, swipe…nothing. I suppose I will have to just wait for the next installment… until then I’ll live my life by picking things up one at a time, socks and underpants.  And hey, you guys, as you get to reading this book, send me a hex message so we can discuss.

Thanks for such an epic first review 🙂

You can read our chat, and lots of other interesting things concerning books, food, and life in general from Chandra, at the below link. Go check her out, you won’t be dissapointed. (click me!)

james fahy author interview

Chains of Gaia : Changeling Book Three is available to Pre-Order!


the rule of three is a good rule…

Welcome back to the Netherworlde, Erlkingers!


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Hello all. I’m extremely happy to announce that book three of my fantasy Changeling Series : Chains of Gaia, is NOW available for Pre-order on Amazon. (and at a special pre-order price too. fab!)

Cover Reveal for you here, as this book is loosely tied to a further elemental tower of magic:  Robin has mastered Winds and waters, sky and snow, but now the burdens and responsibilities of being the Scion of the Arcania come home to roost. A primal force has awoken in the Netherworlde, and its people turn to Robin to save them. It’s time to go and play in the deep, dark woods. Time to tame the tower of Earth, or be buried beneath it…

Easier said than done, when freinds act like enemies, and enemies like freinds. War looms in the Netherworlde, and Robin must figure out where he stands, in order to make a stand.
Nobody said being a teenager would be simple.




studies show pre-ordering books actually makes it sunnier in your locale

So grab your mana-stone, pack your haunted knife and bring your prophetic dreams along. Erlking is waiting for you.

(I’ve also put here the finalised full-length book-trailer (a different version is on my other social media sites)


Chains of Gaia Booktrailer (click me!)


click here to pre-order / buy the book



this man pre-ordered, and it made him both taller and healthier. nine out of ten people who enjoy pointing agree

The world will always need three things. Vampires, good books, and a decent brew…

People often stop me in the street, grab me by the lapels (or wherever lapels would be, were I the kind of person who wore lapels) and shake me violently saying ‘I love your Phoebe Harkness books! But all that post-apocalyptic murder-mystery vampire-lovin’ bloodshed leaves me with a mighty powerful thirst!)

Well…okay…they don’t do that of course. I made that up. If anyone ever did, I would be likely to taze them violently for a prolonged amount of time.

BUT…if anyone ever did, I would have the perfect solution to quench not only their thirst for Oxford-based dystopian horror, but at LAST, also their thirst for TEA!

Tea is a big thing, especially, it seems, amongst book lovers. So I am extremely proud to be able to announce that for fans of the Phoebe Harkness series, you can now not only read about New Oxford’s colourful and oft-blood-drenched inhabitants, you can now also drink them…



phoebe teas banner

In association with Adagio specialist Teas, the talented and excellent tea-connesiur and reviewer of both blends and books Elizabeth Henry presents the Phoebe Harkness Fandom Tea Blends.


allesteas       bag

If you’ve ever wondered how spicy or bitter Cloves can be, or what exactly it feels like to have Allesandro in your mouth, your beverage prayers are finally answered.


The range consists (at present) of nine specialist blends, each inspired and informed by a specific character, with ingredients, tone and accents carefully hand-picked by the knowledgable Elisabeth, and each comes in a tin/bag with character conceptual art designed by the author (that’d be me) how wonderfully collectable!  The perfect accompanyment to a little late night vampiric reading.

tea blends

Link below for all those who thirst for blood, science and brews.

Phoebe Harkness Teas : Click Me!

I’ll go pop the kettle on…